AMARA ctk100 - You Don't Wanna (Pop / Electronic / Glitch)

Artist: AMARA ctk100
Title: You Don’t Wanna
Cat: MLSU026
Label: Minimal Surface
LC Code: 54646
Songwriter: Tiziana Mara Niederberger
Release: 12th February 2020
UPC: 5056167134817
1. You Don’t Wanna
ISRC: GBNYH2100001
2.You Don’t Wanna (instrumental)
ISRC: GBNYH2100002
Genre: Pop/Alt Pop/Electronic
No Bad Language
AMARA ctk100 returns with her new single “You Don’t Wanna” an observation about not playing with toxic people and the games they play.
The track was created in collaboration with S.G Cackle and debuted on her live set on the " Hannah Diamond-Reflections Forever" show on Club Quarantine.
One of the most exciting and distinctive new artists rising from the internet Underground Pop scene, London based Swiss Singer / Producer AMARA ctk100 has already been playlisted on radio stations across the world from Mexico to Malaysia including in Europe, BBC 6 Music, ORF FM4 and SRF 3 and Virus and in the US, her last single was picked by MTV's Kevan Kenny for his hot new releases tracks playlist. She has become a regular fixture in the coveted Spotify Misfits 2.0 & Apple Glitch playlists
She steps onto the scene with a strong focus on visuals, created with some of the most exciting upcoming talents London and Switzerland have to offer, bridging pop culture and internet culture.
Music Video ( premiered by Coeval Magazine February 15th) directed by Ashley Rommelrath and a cover shot by Reece Owen. Tracks links Spotify Apple Deezer Smartlink Instagram Facebook Twitter Apple Spotify Youtube Interview Coeval Magazine (UK)

Credits Video: Video by Ashley Rommelrath (@asherlloyd) Styling: Luca Wowczyna (@lucawowczyn) Styling Assistant (@puer_deorum) Movement Direction: Jordan Allen (@jordanallen_b8) Hair: Kiara Scorzelli (@kiarascorzelli) MUA: Alberto Papparotto (@alberto.papparotto) Graphic: Tiziana Niederberger (@amara_ctk100) Nails: Victoira Ho (@vicctoriiia__) Clothes: @ed_curtis__ Credits Photos: Photography by Reece Owen (@reece.owen) Photography Assistant: Reece Higham (@hireece) Styling: Luca Wowczyna (@lucawowczyn) Styling Assistant (@puer_deorum) Hair: Kiara Scorzelli (@kiarascorzelli) MUA: Mee Kee (@meekee_s) Graphic: Tiziana Niederberger (@amara_ctk100) Nails: Victoira Ho (@vicctoriiia__) Clothes: @ed_curtis__, @imongrindr
