Merv Pinny’s Christmas Single Highlights All the Amazing People Who Have Helped Others During this C
2020 has been a tough year. Across the entire world, millions of people have experienced unprecedented hard times. During these hard times, many of us need extra help and support from our loved ones, friends and even our community. This year, we found we needed this more than ever.
With Christmas just around the corner, a time known for giving, this is also a reminder of just how important it is to unite together and to help others in need.
If we look around us, we can see the many Amazing people who have come forward to offer this much-needed support. Merv Pinny's upbeat and joyful new single acknowledges the challenges of 2020, while celebrating and giving thanks for the gift that these wonderful folks give to the world.

Watch the Video for Merv Pinny’s Amazing here:
Merv Pinny may well have been born a rock star but his upbringing on New Zealand’s North Island saw him becoming a dairy farmer, with his musical ambitions only ignited fully when his older brother gave him a $10 guitar when he was ten years old…perhaps the least he could do after accidentally running him over in a truck, an incident which led doctors to fear Merv would never walk again!
The mercurial Merv also overcame a broken back incurred in a motorcycle crash shortly after being nominated for best country rock album in the New Zealand Vodafone Music Awards but rose again, electing to leave behind the farming life for good, devoting his life not just to music but to campaigning for social justice.
Merv Pinny on the Song with 12 Million Views – New Zealand Herald
Merv Pinny’s track, OB Can You Hear the Children Cry became a viral YouTube hit, a rallying cry for children in crisis around the world, amassing over 13 million views across different platforms, with Merv donating all the earnings to charity. He has since written about the perils of social media; war; terrorism and the refugee crisis but this Christmas sees him championing people from all walks of life around the globe who have helped those around them in these most challenging times with the single, Amazing.
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