New release: The Hengles - Fire In The Rain (single)
Fire In The Rain is the title of the 8th single of The Hengles. It was originally set to be released this June. However, the COVID-19 restrictions turned all that upside-down.

During the lockdown earlier this year, The Hengles released a ‘home version’ of a future new single on their YouTube-channel (let’s save that story for later!), but they also took the opportunity to strip down, edit, re-record, basically reinvent the song Fire In The Rain, to come up with an even better recording than they already had! We all need that beacon of light to guide us through difficult and sometimes perilous times. Especially now! So, if you ever asked yourself how to start a Fire In The Rain, well here it is!
The distinguished gentlemen of The Hengles have more than earned their musical spurs in the past. The guys from Amsterdam played in illustrious 80s and 90s bands like Treble Spankers, Supersub and Alison Gross. The Hengles make pure melodic jingle-jangle Hengle rock with a twist, taking you on a trip down memory lane of more than 50 years of popular music history and blending this into their own style.
As said before, 2019 has been very kind to The Hengles: entries on Spotify’s New Music Friday playlist, Apple Music’s New Music Daily playlist, Dutch National Radio NPO 5 playlist and a real Number 1 spot at Dutch IndieXL Indie chart, airplay in Germany, US and The Phillippines, to name but a few!
Fire In The Rain is out now!
Writers: Maarten Heijblok, Paul van Rijswijk, Erwin Wolters ISRC: NL-C8O-20-00049