Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Wayne Stoddart chose to release the smashing yet controversial ‘Jesus Junkie’ where he teams up with minister Marion Hall (formerly known as Lady Saw). When asked why Jesus Junkie the now pastor of Purer Love Ministries Dr. Wayne Stoddart responded, “It’s the Bible’s recommendation” then he quoted,
“And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit.” (Ephesians 5:18 KJV)
Dr. Stoddart went on to explain that in this time of such intense fear we must get drunken or full of the Spirit of Truth and not the spirit of fear. “Yes, fear is a spirit”, Stoddart emphatically proclaimed then he went on to say “...the only remedy for the spirit of fear is love, power and a sound mind, all characters of the Holy Spirit”, Stoddart passionately stated. “Jesus Junkie” is a call for everyone to get high on The Living Word which is in fact Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ), referencing John 1:1.
The Doctor of divinity went on to state that fear leads to an unsound mind and faith leads to hope in the Christ. He then declared “Let us choose faith, hope and love so we can remain sober yet drunken with the Living Word.” The song “Jesus Junkie” is a dancehall cover of a country gospel song from the 1980 album “Fools for Christ”. The original lyrics were penned by Jacky Watts and Glenn Ashworth for His Mannafested Music, BMI.
The 2020 version of the song features the Grammy award winning artist minister Marion Hall who rose to queen of the dancehall in her secular years (the formidable Lady Saw) up until 2015 when she gave her life to Jesus.
The combination on this modern dancehall take of “Jesus Junkie” is magical and refreshing. It has sparked controversy between Marion’s divided fans and foes as the world for the first time since her conversion to Christ witness Ms. Hall using tools from her Lady Saw arsenal to Deejay for Jesus.
Stoddart in her defense made reference to Jesus’s call to the apostle Peter to leave his secular fishing job to become a fisher of men using the same techniques, skills and tools but using it for the building up of El Elohim’s Kingdom. Wayne says it’s ok to be persecuted for righteousness sake as Jesus was. Using nontraditional techniques to win souls for Christ May get you crucified but in the end the Gospel is preached and Yah is Glorified.