New release: P.S. November - The Bar
P.S. November sets the bar even higher
P.S. November is still on a roll! This year he's already released 6 singles and a full length debut album. Building up towards his sophomore album which will be released in December, here's new single The Bar.

With syncopated drums and an infectious chorus, The Bar is different, while still being subtle and maintaining the profound P.S. November sound!
"The Bar is a song about a girl who kept trying to stay in the picture even after the relationship ended. She called, texted, and reached out countless times just to bait jealousy. Things have quieted down since then but the song still needed to be written."
Although his life is somewhat shrouded in mystery, P.S. November is a musician pioneering in the Nu R&B / Alternative R&B genre, and a college student majoring in Japanese from Provo, Utah, USA. He has been playing piano, making music, and singing ever since he was a little kid.
Most of his songs are inspired by his experiences with relationships and heartache; others communicate messages of depression and nostalgia. With an indie work ethic and a singular voice combined with layers of catchy pop sensibilites or sometimes just a piano, he creates a memorable brand of music. P.S. November can move you to the heights and depths of a feeling, performing a balancing act of beauty and bravery on a tightrope suspended between hope and despair.
His previous singles got airplay in the US, UK, Australia, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands and Namibia, and landed on a multitude of big Spotify playlists: Chill Mode On, Laid Back Hits, New Music Friday in several countries and more.
For fans of: The Weeknd, Jeremih, Pleasure P, Miguel, Years & Years
Writer: Landon Drewes / ISRC: NL-C8O-19-00147