New release: Papyllon - What About Tonight (single)
Any plans for tonight? Listen to Papyllon!
Emerging European indie pop band Papyllon are five guys playing ambitious music and lyrically exploring the human psyche and its basic needs in modern society.

Fusing groove and pop with industrial bangers, they make sure their music feels energized, fresh and cool.
Critics named their 2017 debut album world-class and their shows as impassioned, grandiose experiences.
After a first listen, no one would think that new single and TCBYML debut What about tonight started as a lyrically uplifting reggae song. After its evolution, the mood was evident - dark and lustful.
Groovy in the verses, with heavy guitars and arpeggios in the chorus, the track is an ode to a dangerous, almost pathological relationship or addiction of one entity to another with emphasis on one of the basic needs being sex.
Based on the artwork you could have guessed it - the lyrics contain explicit content.
But hey, if Enrique Iglesias can do it, so can the boys from Papyllon. Have a listen and judge for yourself. Bleeped out version available on request.
Writer: Jakub Pastorák, Lukáš Lacko, Richard Rác, Bohuš Hajduch ISRC: NL-C8O-19-00145