Lions'den Promotion introduces the song by Calle Ameln
Calle Ameln HEYO 31 October 2019
Band/artist name: Calle Ameln Song Title: HEYO Release Date: 10/31/2019 Genre: Pop country / singer-songwriter.

Description: Modern pop country / singer-songwriter track, with a catchy hook and chorus that you will be humming all day! Influences: Luke Bryan, Florida Georgia Line. Artist biography: Calle Ameln is a Swedish born singer songwriter, and with a background from hardrock & metal he adds attitude to genres such as Country Rock and Americana, and blends it all together with powerful and catchy melodies. His musical styles also often include modern pop elements which result in "his own unique brand of Country Rock" ( Calle released his debut album 'Revolution On The Rocks' in June 2016, which has been followed up by several single releases such as 'I Know My Whiskey'. Critics claim it's his strongest work to date, and it has been his biggest commercial success so far. Most of his releases have resulted in plenty of airplay on both European and US radio stations. Social media links: